
Connect with your community


Our heart-felt vision is to create a conscious network; to gradually weave an Earth-wide web of space-holders, healers, creators and more; and to create ease in discovering resonant offerings locally to you.

We are a platform through which hearts can connect with one another; to inspire, support and journey together. The Mandala connects locally, but extends globally - creating a web of consciousness which weaves connection and community throughout humanity.



We endeavor to facilitate creation of communities - bridging the gap between those who create and those who are seeking. Although the journey of expansion can be personal, the journey of evolution is collective; and we are here to accelerate this shift. Through creating a space that makes it easy for you to find events and people that will support you in your expansion, this vibration will ripple into the greater evolution of human consciousness.


A Mandala is a symbolic geometric pattern representing the intricate nature of the Universe. They are used in various traditions as a Spiritual guidance tool, with many perceiving it as a representation of the journey from the outer shell of our Being; through the depths of the layers and into our inner core / center / Truth. It also represents the way in which the Microcosm reflects the Macrocosm throughout all of existence.

Inspired by this Sacred wisdom, The Mandala was birthed through a recognised need of conscious offerings being accessible to everyone - to deepen connections within existing communities and to increase awareness of local offerings and experiences.


Space Holders

Join The Mandala to share your offerings with your community.

We are here to bridge the gap between you and those who are seeking what you offer - to increase your outreach and to create ease for people in discovering and connecting with you.